
Upcoming things!

In about a month I am going on Euro Tour!!!! I am so excited and I will be traveling Europe for 3 weeks! I will be going Amseterdam, Paris, Verona, Venince, Prague, Berlin, Hamburg, Vienna, Bruxelles,  San Remo, Monaco andAvignon. That will be with exchange students! So It should be amazing! Than this weekend I will have my last meet up with all the exchange students in Denmark so we will have to say goodbye to some of my best friends! It will be so hard especially becuase I feel like I am not so close to the end! Than after Euro Tour I have a boat tour for a week around the top of Denmark! So it should be a good last few months! July 5th I will be steping back into the u.s! But I am not sure when I will be back in Glenwood becuase I am going to California a few days after! But I am excited to see you all and I am also sad to leave me "second life" here! But I am ready to be back in "real life." It is such a weird feeling but I will just focas on these last few months first! So Be ready for a lot of traveling posts!

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